DNA Gene Technology Application - Anti aging & Longevity

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Do you want to live to be 140?  

Yes, today's life science and genetic technology can help you to achieve this wish, not only live longer but also live to 140 years old with a healthy body.

This book 'DNA gene Technology application - anti aging & longevity' will provide you with a lot of anti-aging and longevity knowledge and information including more details including gene therapy and drug therapy, etc., of course, from this book you certainly will find the best way to live a healthy and long life guide.

This book delivery to reader a wealth of information on anti-aging and increase lifespan, and describes in detail the use of gene technology for anti-aging, including:

1.    peptide therapy in gene therapy, as well telomerase therapy, CRISPR-Cas9 editing technology for anti-aging and Stem cell therapy;

2.    drug therapy, the effects of rapamycin and metformin on anti-aging are highlighted, and the role of vitamin B12 on anti-aging is also introduced.

This book serves as an anti-aging guide, and the author hopes it can be helpful to readers. At the same time, readers can also contact the author for more information on anti-aging and life extension needs.

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DNA Gene Technology Application - Anti aging & Longevity

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